Roof Services

Celebrating 48 years of trusted roofing in the San Francisco Bay Area with expert roof services in Marin County, Sonoma County, San Francisco, and Napa, Wedge Roofing consistently exceeds the highest standards of quality and dependability. Regardless of the scope of work, our roofers provide quality workmanship, flawlessly executing every unique component of your roofing job precisely as planned.

Commercial re-roofing project in San Francisco Bay Area

Eco-Friendly Roofing

As a certified Green Roofing Contractor, we make a commitment to support environmentally friendly practices in roofing. We offer our expertise in sustainable and energy-efficient roof systems.

Our Respectful Commitment

  • From pre-job planning to the final inspection, our roofing project managers are always available to address your concerns and answer your questions.
  • We establish proactive solutions and scheduling to mitigate potential disruption during the roofing project.
  • Our team coordinates all required roofing permits and inspections with local building and regulatory agencies.
  • Every aspect of your roofing job is organized, executed and completed as promised to the highest quality standards.
  • All work areas including driveways, walkways and landscaping are covered and protected during roofing.
  • On the job, our project manager ensures every aspect of the work is organized and executed in an efficient manner with an emphasis on safety.
  • Upon completion, our project manager will make a post-job inspection and coordinate the final inspection with your local building department.

Roof truss replacement on residence in Marin County

Accreditations and Awards

Spray Foam Roofing Excellence Awards 2023
Roof Coating Contractor Award 2023
2022 Service Award Wedge Roofing Houzz
Historic Victorian Shingle Roof Installation Award
Gold Circle award National Roofing Contractor's Association

Emergency Roof Leak Repair Service


Emergency Roof Leak Repair Service