Smog Absorbing Eco-Friendly Roofing Shingles

Improving Our Climate One Roof at a Time With Malarkey NEXยฎ Shingles

NEXยฎ Shingles

Manufactured with clean technology, the environmentally designed NEXยฎ Architectural Shingles feature 3Mโ„ข smog-absorbing granules to reduce air pollution, contain recycled content, and at the end of their long life can be recycled.

3Mโ„ข Smog-Reducing Granules

Air quality is a concern for us all, which is why Malarkey created the industryโ€™s first smog-absorbing shingles.ย 3Mโ„ข Smog-Reducing Granulesย (featured in TIME Magazine’s 50 Best Inventions of 2018), harness sunlight to photocatalytically convert smog (NO, NO2) into water-soluble ions (NO3), actively reducing air pollution.ย 

Recycled Content 

Malarkey Roofing Products defers waste from entering landfills by reducing the need for new synthetic materials. With the NEXยฎ polymer modified asphalt, the next generation of asphalt shingle technology, specific polymers sourced from repurposed materials are included to enhance performance characteristics of the shingle. 

Asphalt Shingles are Recyclable

At the end of their useful life, asphalt shingles can avoid landfills and be recycled in most major metro areas. The shingles are ground up and used widely in paving applications. To learn more about how asphalt shingles are recycled, visit the Asphalt Roofing Manufacturers Association website.

GreenCircle Certification

GreenCircle provides third-party certification of sustainability claims through a rigorous scientific evaluation based on internationally recognized standards and guidelines. In the GreenCircle certification process, diversion, and reduction can be achieved through a combination of approved methods. Malarkey utilized the methods of source reduction, recycling, energy recovery, and reuse of materials to achieve waste diversion from landfill thresholds. For current verification of recycled content of Malarkey shingles and manufacturing facilities please visit Greencircle.

Malarkey Emerald Pro Contractor

Wedge Roofing – a certified Green Roofing Contractor– has met the criteria, standards, and training to earn Malarkey’s Emerald Pro Contractor certification. This accreditation offers roofing excellence from a local professional contractor assuring your roof is built by factory-trained installers utilizing the latest industry accepted application procedures and installation techniques. 

Emerald Pro Warranty

The Emerald Pro Warranty is available exclusively for roofs installed by certified Emerald Pro Contractors offering enhanced roofing system warranties supported by quality Malarkey products

NEXยฎ Shingles available for installation in the San Francisco Bay Area, including Marin County, Sonoma County, San Francisco, and Napa:  Windsor, Vista, and Legacy

Emergency Roof Leak Repair Service


Emergency Roof Leak Repair Service