As a dedicated member of the National Roofing Contractors Association (NRCA) and recipient of the prestigious NRCA 2016 Gold Circle Award, Wedge Roofing enthusiastically supports #NationalRoofingWeek.
Organized by the National Roofing Contractors Association (NRCA), National Roofing Week takes place each summer. Its mission is to increase awareness across the U.S. about the significance of roofs to every home and business and share the good deeds of the roofing industry. National Roofing Week also promotes the importance of hiring a professional NRCA member roofing contractor and making informed decisions about maintaining or replacing any roof system.
The roof is one of the most important components of a home or business’ structure, yet it is often taken for granted until it falls into disrepair. National Roofing Week emphasizes the significant role roofs and professional roofing contractors play in every community.
Proud NRCA Member

Each day of National Roofing Week, NRCA members share images that highlight their contributions to charitable organizations in their community, salute their staff and crew, show how contractors train their employees, and highlight signature projects.
Giving Back

Wedge Roofing proudly donates roofing services for the improvement of our community and supports San Francisco Bay Area charitable organizations including Make-a-Wish-Bay Area, Napa Valley Fire Relief, and Public School Education Foundations.
Salute to the Wedge Team
Our clients consistently acknowledge Wedge Roofingโs amazing crew and staff in their reviews and thank-you messages. To salute the Wedge Team for their dedication to providing excellence in roofing services we let our client’s voices speak loudly in this word cloud.