Historic Roof Restoration Wins Preservation Award

Historic Roofing Award

Heritage Homes of Petaluma kicked off their 2013 โ€œPreservation Award Ceremonyโ€ September 15th at the Petaluma Masonic Center. Among this yearโ€™s honorees was the historically authentic roof restoration completed by San Francisco Bay Area roofing contractor, Wedge Roofing on an 89-year-old โ€œCraftsman Bungalowโ€ home in Petaluma. 

Historic Roofing Sonoma County.

Historic Bungalow

Jennifer Wedge, Owner of Wedge Roofing, accepted the 2013 Preservation Award on behalf of the homeowners. Presenting the award, Alicia Walters, Board Member of Heritage Homes outlined the details of the Bungalowโ€™s historic roof restoration, noting the delicate balance of functionality and aesthetic appeal that earned the home its โ€œHonorable Mentionโ€ award.ย 

Jennifer Wedge accepts the Award for historic preservation from Heritage Homes.

Significance of Roofing in Historic Restoration

While many awards went to large-scale renovations spanning all aspects of these Petaluma buildings, the Craftsman Bungalowโ€™s Honorable Mention Award singled out perhaps the most vital component in long-term structural preservation: the roofing system. As the roof is considered not only one of the most prominent visual aspects of a historic site, but also the most important defense against moisture, the leading cause of structural damage. 

Preservation Heroes

Every two years, Heritage Homes presents awards to โ€œPreservation Heroes,โ€ owners of residential and commercial buildings whose restoration projects serve to preserve Petaluma’s unique architectural and historic heritage. Founded in 1967, the non-profit, architectural preservation organization encourages the restoration of vintage Petaluma buildings that have historic, architectural or cultural significance.  

Historic Roof Restoration

Wedge Roofingโ€™s portfolio of historic roof restoration projects include buildings in San Francisco, Marin County, Sonoma County and Napa Valley designated as historic landmarks by the National Register of Historical Places, California Register of Historic Resources and Heritage Homes of Petaluma. 

Emergency Roof Leak Repair Service


Emergency Roof Leak Repair Service