Fallen Trees Severely Damage Roofs in Marin and Sonoma Storms

What To Do If a Tree Falls on Your Roof

  • Evacuate Immediately, Call 9-1-1
  • Avoid any fallen power lines, call PG&E
  • Arrange for a licensed arborist to remove the tree
  • Have a licensed roofing contractor inspect the roof and install a temporary roof cover
  • Proceed with roof repairs before the next storm

Fallen Tree Roof Damage

Take a very real scenario that comes with severe storms: An uprooted, ancient oak tree crashes through your roof in the middle of the night, what do you do? In this scenario, do what Kathy Truax did

At 3:30 a.m., amidst one of the heaviest storms Northern California has seen in a decade, the Sonoma County artist woke to a startling โ€œripping booming soundโ€ as the 60โ€ฒ oak tree in her front yard toppled over, smashing into her home and splitting the shingle roof wide open. 

Thinking quickly, Kathy grabbed her cat and called 911, who not only rescued her but also her art and furniture. After that vital call to 911, Kathy made a callโ€”to Wedge Roofing.

roof damage from fallen tree

In the morning, working with the arborist, Wedge Roofing’s emergency roof repair team arrived to assess the damage for permanent repairs and to install a temporary roof covering to protect Ms. Truax’s property in the short term.

The Wedge team, veterans of many epic San Francisco Bay Area storms, thoroughly inspected the roof, discovering the tree had struck in multiple locations encompassing approximately 60% of the house. The force of the tree fall caused severe structural damage to the roof, including broken roof trusses, shattered roof sheathing, and damage to the interior ceiling sheetrock.

structural roof damage from fallen tree
temporary roof cover

The Wedge team installed a mechanically fastened temporary roof covering secured with battens. Despite the intense rain and wind-driven storm events over the following days, the temporary roof cover kept the home from water intrusion.

As a licensed Roofing and General Contractor, Wedge Roofingโ€™s full-service repair crews of highly experienced roofers and carpenters can expertly repair both the roofing and structural damage of the home.

Emergency Roof Leak Repair Service


Emergency Roof Leak Repair Service