California Legislature Assembly Certificate of Recognition Presented to Wedge Roofing

Wedge Roofing Honored By California Assembly

The entire Wedge Roofing organization is honored, as the recipient of the California Legislature Assembly Certificate of Recognition from California Assembly Member Marc Levine, representing the 10th California Assembly District of Marin and Sonoma Counties.

Wedge Roofing Receives California Assembly Recognition

Caption: California District Representative Cal Weeks, Wedge Roofing General Manager Gary Harvey, Wedge Roofing President Ralph Wedge and California Senior District Representative Melissa Apuya.

We are extremely grateful to Assembly Member Marc Levine, Senior District Representative Melissa Apuya, and District Representative Calum Weeks, for presenting our company with this highly esteemed recognition of our forty-one years in business, and our recent Torch Ethics Award from the Better Business Bureau.

Emergency Roof Leak Repair Service


Emergency Roof Leak Repair Service